Tuesday, March 02, 2004

hmmm havent been updating in a while no?

saturday: the relationship talk was pretty good! although i was kinda sleepy at first, the message was so gripping that instead of getting sleepier, i woke up. in case you were wondering about the subject matter, singlehood.

yep, im not gonna sit around twiddling my thumbs waiting for some guy to appear in my life. I'm gonna live. and live it to the max.

develop my character, build up all my friendships, improve myself, serve God. Live.
rather than sit around and mope, feel alone, muck around in self pity.

but when i got to sunday i was feeling all weird. could be due to the fact that i stayed up to prepare my sunday school lesson last minute. heh. once again, i find myself saying "curse my last minute nature"
was sleepy during worship, right after we learnt during leaders meeting about preparation, expectation and choice. felt like such a hypocrite. fell asleep during uncle jeffery goh's message. guilt. did not eat lunch with v cos i was feeling so weirded out. more guilt. did a sloppy job for sunday school. guilt.

feeling kinda sian and not wanting to go for the sunday school teacher's thing. thankfully, there wasnt a meeting in the end and i wound up talking to kel leon and wilfred, of all people! but it was a really interesting time, it was great getting to know wilfred better, he actually has a really great testimony to share with everyone, if only we'd take the time to talk to him.

after that i was in an appreciably more normal mood, just in time for work.

when i got home, talked to daniel and serene on icq. i love em so much, talking to them is always good.

supposed to go update my passport today but fell asleep. sigh. that is one major character flaw, if an unreasonable tendency to sleep can be called a character trait. what's that word...? narcolepsy!
nar·co·lep·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (närk-lps)
n. pl. nar·co·lep·sies
A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.

busy week ahead!
tues: work
wed: work unless... RESULTS (arghargharghargharghargharghargh)
thur: kayak! hang out with serene. cooking dinner at mei yi's house!!!!
fri: RESULTS????

keeping us A level students in suspense over something as simple as the date of the release is not only evil, it's positively inconsiderate. i cant plan my timetable if they dont even indicate when they want me to face what i've not wanting to face! such rudeness! such treachery!


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